Townsend, TN weather is mild and allows for outdoor activities most of the year. In the Spring, temperatures average around 68 degrees. During the Summer, the average temperature is near 85 degrees. Fall is cooler, with average temperatures in the low 70’s, with Winter temperatures averaging in the low 50’s. Townsend does not get a lot of snow normally; generally a couple of inches a few times during the Wynter.
The mild temperatures mean a host of activities outdoors, as well as incredible flora, including dogwoods, azaleas, trilliums and more. The Spring and Summer offer an opportunity to view wildlife in the park and enjoy the rivers and streams.
Townsend, TN weather forecast

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Townsend TN Weather - Current Conditions
Townsend, TN weather is mild and allows for outdoor activities most of the year. Check the current weather to help you plan your trip to the area.